

Hi there. I'm a Golden Retreiver that loves my family almost as much as I love to eat absolutely everything. My DogGi size is Large

Get a DogGi Large



Hello everyone. My momy got me a DogGi and put her team patch on it. Now I can look as toough as she does. My DogGi size is Small

Get a Small DogGi



Hello everyone. Just like Amora, I like to look tough, but it's just for looks lol. I am a black belt in giving love and care to my momma. My DogGi size is Medium

Get a Medium DogGi

Get your DogGi with your team logo

Are you looking to get more items for your school store ? What about adding a custom DogGi ? We can put your logo on it and get you a discounted price. We require a minimum of 25 pieces and we give you a mannequin to display it too.

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Designed for Maximum Comfort